Meet John. He’s got a card. And he’d love to give it to you.

John wrote his gospel so that we could believe in Jesus. Discover more on Sundays, 10.30am.

The Ark parent and toddler group starts back on Tues 9th Jan, 9.30am.

On 3rd Wednesday of the month from 10am-11.30 with free refreshments

A memorial to four WWII servicemen was unveiled at St George’s at our Remembrance Sunday service this week.

The memorial was original displayed in Farm Road Church, which closed in 2014. The Church Management Committee asked St George’s to take the memorial when their building was threatened with demolition.

The plaque commemorates Gerald Rodgers, Laurence Frost, Percy Brown and Derrick Wood who lived on the St Helier Estate in Morden. All of the men were of a similar age and knew each other well. Rodgers was only 19 years old.

The plaque is said to have been made from materials from one of the WWII battlefields. Made from dark wood and metal, it has been hung next to a framed short biography of the men including photos of three of them (view).

Major Phil Shannon (above) unveiled the memorial at the St George’s Church Remembrance Sunday service. He spoke of the bravery of the men and hoped that the memorial would be a reminder of their sacrifice for our country.

We were delighted to be joined by members of Laurence Frost’s family, who laid wreaths at the memorial in loving memory of the men. One of the bouquets of flowers was from Rosetta, Laurence’s sister, who is still alive aged 95 years old.

Her hand-written card read, “To my dear brave brother Laurie so sadly missed. From your loving sister, Rosetta. R.I.P.”

(Click on photos to view)

The family contacted the church after it ran a campaign to try to find the relatives of the four servicemen. Over 18,000 people saw the church’s social media post and the South London Press and Church Times ran a story on the search.

A short video tribute to the men was played at the service (below). You can read more about the men and our search here. We are grateful for any further contacts with information about the other men and their families.

PRESS RELEASE – Church searches for the relatives of four WWII servicemen after their memorial is saved. 26th October 2022

Help us find the families of four WWII servicemen for Remembrance Sunday

Celebrating God’s Goodness to Us


St George’s Church, Central Road, Morden, SM4 5RJ

Harvest Celebration Service with children’s activities.

Donations of non-perishable food are welcome for the local Food Bank (see what is needed here). Cash donations will go to Tearfund.

All are Welcome

Image by Edward Peters, Creative Commons

Following the sad news of the death of Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth, St George’s Church Morden will be open on Monday 19th September from 10am to 5pm.

We plan to show the State Funeral service from Westminster Abbey from 11am on the large screen and we invite people to come together to remember her life.

A book of condolence will be available for people to leave personal messages. Free refreshments will be served after the service. The times of opening will be confirmed shortly.

Everyone is most welcome.

Our new talk series on 1 Samuel starting at church Sun 11 at 10.30am