St George’s Church takes the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. All of our volunteers working with vulnerable people have been recruited in accordance with our safeguarding policy below.
Parish Safeguarding Policy
Parish Safeguarding Domestic Abuse
Southwark Diocese Safeguarding Policy – “A Safe Church”
Church Contacts
Our Safeguarding Church Officers are Trevor Taylor, our Warden, and Rosemary Haslam, Safeguarding officer and Outreach Worker. To contact them about concerns, please email or call 07391 842994. You can also contact the Vicar.
Diocesan Safeguarding Contacts
Safeguarding referrals & general enquiries.
Safeguarding referrals / general enquiries: / Telephone: 0207 939 9441 (Mon to Fri 9am – 5pm)
For urgent out of hours advice: (Mon to Fri, after 5pm / weekends and bank holidays) please contact 020 3874 6743.
If you suspect you or someone is at risk of immediate harm, phone 999.
If you are worried that a child, young person, or adult is at risk of being harmed, abused or neglected, contact social services within your local authority area. You can find your local council via the following link:
Support Services
A wide range of local support can be accessed by inputting a postcode into the following resource.
Hub of Hope – UK’s leading support database, provided by a national mental health charity and brings local, national, peer, community, charity, private and NHS services together in one place for the first time, accessed via the following link: